
Angry IBS?

So we know I work strange hours and that my schedule changes day to day and week to week, but I’m so glad that I’m almost done. I worked late last night, but I love my Wednesday night crew and there was vodka involved after we left the building. But then at 3am I woke up, nothing too unusual, but still… RUDE… Well, the 3am wake up wasn’t on purpose and it wasn’t a confused body. I had the WORST stomach pains ever. It was like menstrual cramps, on crack, with a sledge hammer. Not okay. I couldn’t even get out of bed right away. I figured, angry IBS, maybe vodka doesn’t work for me. Who knows. But after rolling around for three hours, I finally pulled myself together and figured I should at least show my face at work (one week left… one more measly week). I showed up, got some crap done, left 5 hours later and crashed at home. Stress? Vodka? IBS? Food poisoning? Take your pick. So, moral of the story, I hate my body.


In other words, I didn’t wake up early to get in a run. I’m sucking it up at following my training plan. What training plan? Yeah, that’s not happening at all. My half is in less than two weeks. Like 10 days. YIKES! How in the world am I going to pull this off? Holy shiz-balls kids! This is really happening isn’t it?

Let’s not discuss how I desperately need new running shoes… or how I should man up and buy some technical fabric tanks… or how I still haven’t figured out fueling… or how I haven’t had a run in the double digits. This is now the blog of a freaked out runner. Nervous? No, I’m past that. I’m shitting myself over here (don’t worry, blaming it on the IBS totally works).

At least my life is more pulled together than the Jersey Shore kids’ lives! But I do steal their gym routine:

jwwow gym


Any mysterious illnesses you feel like sharing?

I can’t be the only one waking up in the middle of the night in pain.

Share a story about being underprepared for a race. Please comfort me in this time of pain!

Any advice you care to share for the next ten days so I can freak out a little less? Tips? Calming mantras? (mine right now is “this is temporary” a little harsh, yeah probably)

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