
Sometimes running sucks

In just over a year of running, I've only had a few bad runs, usually caused by sleep deprivation. Today was the worst run in the history of me. I woke up later than I wanted and took my time getting ready. I had a huge gas bubble in my tummy that was taking it's sweet time exiting my system. With all my digestive issues, it's nothing new. I ate a lot last night and wasn't hungry at all this morning. So I ate a larabar to get at least something in me. I live off these (Dear Larabar, send me free stuff. thanks. love, Alisa).

My fav flavor:

What I ate today:

And then I was off. So far so good. After about twenty minutes, I heard some grumbles, I figured they were just the bubble bursting. Seriously glad nobody was out there with me today. That would have gotten awkward, real fast.

I finally reached my halfway point. Sipped some h20. Mid sip, the grumbles got worse. Luckily there's a potty there. I visited and cleaned out my intestines. Alright, feeling better. Started running again. My stomach started to seriously ache and I walked to the next toilet. I did this one more time run-walk-toilet (one of the perks of running in the park, lots of public toilets). After the last one, I was almost dizzy, so I sat for a bit. Then I hoofed it home as fast as I could without pooping myself or passing out. I finally got home and laid down. I was too nauseous to even drink water at that point. But I had a little. I took the fastest shower ever, then curled up in bed still in my wet towel and took a nap.

I'm starting to finally feel better (four hours later), but I'm in shock as to what happened! The sun was out, but it was cooler. I ran into the wind, but kept a slow pace as to not do too much too soon. Luckily the stuff I was supposed to do today can wait until tomorrow. Or at least tonight.

The good news is: I got my long run in. 6 miles! WOOHOO!

What has been your worst run to date?

Today's, hands down. 
Do you have any awkward/embarrassing stories to share?

With my intestinal issues, I've had a few funny farting situations. One of the many reason I run with my dog!!

Thanks for visiting!

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